The Doctor's Philosophy:

Watch your thoughts, they become words..Watch your words, they become actions..Watch your actions, they become habits..Watch your character, they become destiny..

p/s: Org ckp tulis guna otak. paling tidak, tulis guna tangan. Tp wa xpeduli, coz wa still mau tulis guna hati. (^_^)
p/s/s: Semua yang terkandung di dalam blog wa adalah nukilan & pendapat wa sendiri, unless the sources are stated. Maaf jika ada yg inappropriate untuk tontonan umum!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Medical student life..???ea??

Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University

Its not a dream, its not ur imagination, ummu.. its a REALITY..!!

Okeh, sesi motivate diri da abis.. Now Alhamdulillah, i'm oficially a medical student in one of medical institute in Egypt.  At first, rasa mcm x sangka da jadi budak u.. Plus, x sangka da besar rupanya..hahahaha. Btw, i getting use to my current life rite now. Meh aku story morry ea..

Zagazig is a place in Egypt, the egyptian called it as 'furu'', which means, kawasan luar dr cairo. ada phm?? huhu, gua terasa smakin skema nmpaknya..=.="
Next, Zagazig University, is situated at zagazig la..n kulliah attib (fakulti perubatan) tletak kat kawasan game'ah.. N guess where's my house..?? haha, jauh giler doe.. 

it wuz juz 2 BLOCKS of building from da gate of faculty..!!

jauh kan..???? jalan kaki ada la dlm lbih kurang 2 minit...sangat2 JAUH..hahaha

Now lets talk about the lecture. FYI, ktorg xda lecture dlm hall mcm uni kat malaysia. its all like tutor classes.. huhu, Alhamdulillah laa.. if not, i guaranteed that i wouldn't understand what are the lecturer gonna talking about. coz aku akan jd Sleeping Beauty..ngee~

There's only 1 problem dat i have to overcome as soon as possible, which is...


1st, bila lecturer speaking English.. ada yg ok, ada yang tuuttttt... alamak, ok tu ok, but versi arabic punya english wooo...bley loading juga mau translate dlm english pure..haha. 
2nd, bout the ammiyah language..with the egyptian, it is compulsory for us to understand it.. not only understand, but to interact with them.. so, xkn wujud la perumpamaan mcm itik ckp ngan ayam..=.="
InsyaAllah, aku try jugak sebaik mungkin.. walaupun kadang2 men hentam jak tukar arab fusha jd arab ammi..haha!! Mintak maaf ustazah, sy da smakin lupa arab fusha..^_^

pernah jd satu situasi di mana gua tersalah tafsir maksud egyptian tuh.. merah2 pink muka i tau!!(=.=")
*x mau story..nt kena kasi ketawa..*

Next, pasal rumah. gua kongsi bilik bertiga, ngan syan n ain.. yg lain lg 7 org pon ktorg bhgi2 sma rata aa.. 10 org 1 umah.. LE 120 sorg byr utk sebulan.. Madame mawal, a.k.a tuan rumah ktorg sgt baik. n gua ucapkan trima kasih byk2.. eh, syukran awi ya mama..!!haha.. teringat dia ckp cmni.. 

"U must ta'allmi arabi for 2 weeks..".. maksud dy.. ktorg kna pndai ckp dlm bhsa arab lpas 2 minggu duk cni..hahaha..entahla mama, insyaAllah.. hatadrusu arabii giddan...syuwaiyah2.. meishi..??huhu~

And 1 lg, stiap kali org tanya nama aku..esp egyptian la.. lecturer or anyone else..

egyptian: "ismik eh..??"..(sepa nama kmu??)
aku       : "ismi solehah"
egyptian: "solehah??ya rabb, solehah insyaAllah.."
aku       : trima kasih sbb doakan gua jd solehah..(dalam hati) ngee~

So, aku decide utk tukar nama aku kat sini.. my name is Khan. Eh, silap.. My name is Solehah, Ummu Solehah..>.<

Till there, gua ada kuliah sok, ma'assalamah..!!

p/s: no picz yet.. guna laptop n broadband member.=.="

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