The Doctor's Philosophy:

Watch your thoughts, they become words..Watch your words, they become actions..Watch your actions, they become habits..Watch your character, they become destiny..

p/s: Org ckp tulis guna otak. paling tidak, tulis guna tangan. Tp wa xpeduli, coz wa still mau tulis guna hati. (^_^)
p/s/s: Semua yang terkandung di dalam blog wa adalah nukilan & pendapat wa sendiri, unless the sources are stated. Maaf jika ada yg inappropriate untuk tontonan umum!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Soal Hati : LOVE is a GAME


"Falling in love is awfully simple, but falling out of love is simply awful.."

Love is as much of an object as an obsession, everybody wants it, everybody seeks it, but few ever achieve it, those who do will cherish it, be lost in it, and among all, never... never forget it.

Lately, I did realised that many people were in love. And 80% of them have been hurt  by this 
awesome-awful-feelings, instead of being happy to have them. 
Why did this happened??

Love was well known as it could make ur hearts feel better, 
cheer up your day, make u have a non-stop dreaming. 
Paling senang, mandi x basah, makan x kenyang, tidur xlena la.. Tp kalau putus cinta pun, mandi xbasah jugak, makan x kenyang jugak, tidur pun xlena jugak. 
So..??? How was that actually..?? (=.=")

I don't want to keep babbling here without giving out some points. 
I juz wanna say..

If love only could make you hurt, so please leave it.

If love never make your heart calm, its not love.

If love couldn't change yourself into a better person, don't you ever call that it is love.

If you think that love will only gives you happy, it'll let you know that it gives you pain too.

If you think that you can't be loyal in loving, leave them before you heart them.

If you think you can't take care of someone's heart, don't you ever give them hopes.

If you think you are strong enough, lets see if you could stand up after you get dumped by love.

And if you could face the obstacles that love gives you, so you're strong enough to face this life.

If you are in love for the 1st time, do make some research about them.

If you have broken up, do be grateful coz you didn't chose the wrong mate.

If you've never been in love, don't be scared to try them, coz you may learn something from it.

So, lets see, if u could WIN or LOST in this game.

Nota Cinta:

Jika  anda dipermainkan dgn cinta, janganlah bersedih.. 
ingatlah si dia kerana dia pernah menggembirakan hari-hari anda.

Jika anda mempermainkan cinta, janganlah berasa bangga.. 
kerana hidup ini qisas.. anda mungkin akan mhadapinya satu hari nanti..

Jika anda kata anda anti kepada cinta, janganlah terlalu yakin..
kerana cinta itu tidak mengenal siapa.. datangnya tanpa diundang, perginya terasa hilang..

Jika anda yakin si dia bidadari di jiwa namun masa belum tiba, bersabarlah..
kerana masa mampu mengubah segalanya..

Dan jika anda belum jumpa dia yg bertakhta tercinta, yakinlah..
Allah Maha Mengetahui segalanya.. serahkanlah cintamu kepadaNya sebelum cinta manusia.
Kerana Dia lebih mencintaimu, lebih daripada si dia.  

p/s: Wa bukan nak jd minah jiwang, cuma wa rasa sedih mengenang nasib diri yg serupa dgn mereka, especially pompuan.. Hik3~

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