The Doctor's Philosophy:

Watch your thoughts, they become words..Watch your words, they become actions..Watch your actions, they become habits..Watch your character, they become destiny..

p/s: Org ckp tulis guna otak. paling tidak, tulis guna tangan. Tp wa xpeduli, coz wa still mau tulis guna hati. (^_^)
p/s/s: Semua yang terkandung di dalam blog wa adalah nukilan & pendapat wa sendiri, unless the sources are stated. Maaf jika ada yg inappropriate untuk tontonan umum!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Learn from life..

Just to remind myself.
Am I doing good here.
Could I do my best..??

Ya Allah, Kau berkatilah perjalanan hidupku ini..
Moga Allah redha..

Dear My Beloved Family,
Miss home soo much! I did this for u~

Dear Friends,
Wish me luck..! Achieve our dreams together..

Dear Readers,
Many thanx for everything..!!

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