The Doctor's Philosophy:

Watch your thoughts, they become words..Watch your words, they become actions..Watch your actions, they become habits..Watch your character, they become destiny..

p/s: Org ckp tulis guna otak. paling tidak, tulis guna tangan. Tp wa xpeduli, coz wa still mau tulis guna hati. (^_^)
p/s/s: Semua yang terkandung di dalam blog wa adalah nukilan & pendapat wa sendiri, unless the sources are stated. Maaf jika ada yg inappropriate untuk tontonan umum!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Video Si Jantung Hati...


Time wa tgh bosan2 study, maklumlah, da pkul 12 a.m.. 
wa pegi cilok Lilo dr mama Shue dy yg da lena dibuai mimpi..
Coz dy x tido lg.. so wa culik dy bwa pegi blik wa. Hehe.

Dilarang utk stop mix ipod wa, coz ada suara2 sumbang di situ. Haha.

Lilo semakin aktif, tp semakin cute. 

p/s: Abaikan suara n 'kebersepahan' bilik wa. Hehe.
p/s/s: Credits to stokin Syan. Wa tertanya-tanya napa dy suka pegi bhgian stokin Syan tuh.Ngeh3~

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